Can You Sue for Workers’ Comp and Personal Injury?

personal injury lawyers

People who have been injured on the job often ask us if they can “sue for workers’ comp.” While nearly all workers in West Virginia have recourse to workers’ compensation if they suffer a job-related […]

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How to Calculate a Pain and Suffering Settlement

injured man sitting on the couch with his laptop grabbing his shoulder in pain

If you have been hurt in a Morgantown car accident or other incident resulting in personal injury in West Virginia and someone else is at fault, you are entitled to compensation for your losses. These […]

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How Do I Find a Nursing Home Lawyer?

Abused female nursing home resident touching her face in pain | Colombo Law

A nursing home lawyer can provide crucial assistance if you or a loved one has experienced—or is experiencing—neglect or abuse in a nursing home. Hiring an attorney promptly is key for preventing further harm and […]

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Do Semi-Truck Accidents Go to Trial?

Why Your Truck Accident Claim May Go to Trial | Colombo Law

Victims of truck accidents face any number of uncertainties. After being injured in an accident, there may be questions about your health, your finances, your ability to work, and more. If you believe the accident […]

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