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No Such Thing as a Small Motorcycle Accident

May 2, 2010 | By Colombo Law

There is no such thing as a small motorcycle accident. While these accidents cannot always be avoided, there are things that motorcyclists can do that can reduce the risk.

Our friends who operate motorcycles need to do everything possible to protect themselves. Now that our weather is changing from winter to spring and summer our clients who drive motorcycles are out and about enjoying the weather and the freedom a motorcycle brings.

At the same time, the more motorcycles that are on our highways the more opportunities there are for motorcyclists and their passengers to be injured by the negligence of a person operating a car or truck. Motorcyclists know better than anyone that for whatever reason persons who operate cars and trucks simply do not see and often times ignore the motorcycle coming directly in their path. As a result, motorcyclists and their passengers are severely injured and killed on an all too frequent basis.

People who operate motorcycles are reminded to drive defensively, always have your headlight on, and always wear your helmet. Protective clothing, eye protection and boots will also protect you from injury.

Also, there is an increasing number of motorcycle wrecks that occur because the driver is drunk or intoxicated. Every weekend there is a poker run or motorcycle rally in our area. Often times the venues are bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. What occurs from time to time is that the person driving the motorcycle might have 1 beer or drink at each stop. If there are 6 stops then there are 6 beers. You see the point!

Don’t let a good time turn into a lifetime of pain, suffering and mental anguish. Protect yourself, protect your passenger and protect your future.

Colombo Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

I represent people who are seriously injured in motorcycle accidents in Clarksburg, Fairmont, Elkins, Morgantown, Buckhannon, and throughout North Central West Virginia. These injuries often result in broken bones, head injuries, and unfortunately death. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, contact the Morgantown Motorcycle Accident Attorneys of Colombo Law at 800-860-1414.

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