Using a cell phone, and especially texting, can serve as a major distraction while operating a motor vehicle. That goes for anyone of any age. When you factor in the lack of experience behind the wheel that teens contend with, along with a cell phone, you’ve got a recipe for disaster or worse, death.

Five states (California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Washington) and the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands prohibit driving while talking on hand-held cell phones.

Unconvinced of the wisdom of these bans? AAA surveyed 1,000 teen drivers ages 16-17 and found that 61 percent of the group admitted to risky driving habits. Of that 61 percent, 46 percent of the teens reported texting at the wheel and 51 percent said they talk on cell phones while driving.

A research study of 900 teens from 26 high schools nationwide done by the group Students Against Destructive Decisions and insurer Liberty Mutual Group revealed texting was ranked as the most distracting activity the group of respondents participated in while driving.

Driving is a full-time job; treating it as anything less is to risk one’s own safety, as well as that of other people on the road.

Texting and driving – like drinking and driving – don’t mix, even if it is to text back just a single letter. Anyone operating a motor vehicle, no matter their age, should pull over if they want to make or receive a cell phone call.

Colombo Law Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

Driving while texting (DWT) is nearly as dangerous as driving while intoxicated (DWI).  If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in a car accident involving a cell phone or text messaging, contact the car accident lawyers of Colombo Law at 800-860-1414.

by Colombo Law
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