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The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

January 20, 2020 | By Colombo Law

It’s common knowledge that motorcycling is more dangerous than driving a car. In fact, a study from the NHTSA from 2007 found that “Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about 35 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a traffic crash and 8 times more likely to be injured.”

However, when you look closer at what caused these accidents, we find that the majority of accidents involving another vehicle were caused by the driver of the other vehicle. In other words, the most dangerous thing about motorcycling is the other drivers on the road.

Here, we want to take a look at some of the common causes behind these accidents along with what you should if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident.

If you have been injured, please don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who can evaluate your case. At Colombo Law, we have helped many victims of motorcycle accidents receive the compensation they need and deserve to get back on their feet after an accident, and we’d be happy to help you get through this difficult time.

Ultimately, if an accident is caused by these factors – or any type of negligence of another – victims of motorcycle accidents may be able to pursue compensation for the damages that have occurred due to the accident.

What to Do If You’re Injured In a Motorcycle Accident

After being injured in a motorcycle accident, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You may have medical bills mounting up that you can’t pay, you may be unable to return to work, and you may be facing difficult changes to your life for the foreseeable future. For most, it’s a traumatic event.

That said, there are a few things you should try to do after being injured in an accident:

Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

As motorcycle accident lawyers, we understand that our profession doesn’t always have the best reputation. To be sure, much of this is warranted; after all, there are plenty of attorneys who are more interested in getting quick settlements and padding their own pockets than they are in fighting for their clients’ rights for maximum compensation.

So how do you find an attorney that you can trust? A few tips:

Starting a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

If the other driver’s insurance company is unwilling to pay you the damages you deserve for your injuries, it might be time to start a lawsuit with your attorney.

This will involve reviewing the details of your case, collecting evidence, and calculating how much you should receive in compensation.

Once this is completed, the appropriate documents will be filed and the insurance company will be made aware of the suit against them. If they decide to fight the complaint, court proceedings will begin.

Of course, if the insurance company is willing to settle for a reasonable amount, which allows everyone to avoid the time and costs wrapped up in a trial, then it might make sense to agree. However, it is our firm belief that you should be willing to go to trial if necessary to receive an amount that is fair.

Typical Compensation Recovered

When calculating the amount of compensation you deserve, we look at all of the costs associated with your accident. That can include immediate costs like medical bills and lost wages due to time away from work, as well as future costs, such as loss of earning capacity and costs of ongoing physical therapy.

However, you might also be eligible to receive compensation for the trauma you have faced as a result of the accident. After all, the physical injuries are only one part of the equation.

You are likely also dealing with emotional anguish, pain, suffering, and maybe even the loss of enjoyment of life because of what happened to you.

The good news it the law does allow you to pursue compensation for these damages, as well, so it’s important to discuss these factors with your attorney when deciding how much to demand in compensation.

Don’t Wait to Get Started – Contact Colombo Law Today

Making the decision to pursue a motorcycle accident lawsuit can be a big one. Nevertheless, it’s important not to put it off.

While the statute of limitations for filing an accident claim in Ohio is two years, waiting that long can mean the loss of evidence or mistakes when receiving and documenting injuries and treatments.

Working with an attorney as soon as possible helps ensure you avoid these mistakes, setting you up for the best chance possible to receive the maximum compensation for your injuries.

To get started with a FREE, confidential case evaluation, get in touch with the motorcycle accident lawyers at Colombo Law today.

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