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Car Accidents are the Leading Cause of Childhood Deaths

January 10, 2018 | By Colombo Law

In a study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), it was concluded that nearly two children are killed in a car accident each day in the United States. Incorrect installation of car seats increases a child’s risk of serious injury and death in a car accident by up to 3.5 times. Shockingly, it is estimated that anywhere between 70-85% of the car seats used across the nation are critically misused. In fact, according to, 33% of children who die in a car crash were not restrained at all, and 43% were not “correctly restrained.”

What is Ohio’s Car Seat Law?

Ohio’s passenger safety law states to following:

Why is This Law So Important?

Believe it or not, from 1999 to 2006, there were 34 children in Ohio aged four to seven years old that died in a motor vehicle accident. In fact, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for children of that same age group according to the Office of Vital Statistics.

Researchers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimate that nearly half of the children who are killed in motor vehicle accidents each year would have survived if car seats and seatbelts were used 100 percent of the time. It is also estimated that if a child is restrained with a booster seat and a seat belt rather than with just a seatbelt, their risk of sustaining an injury in a crash is reduced by 59%.

How to Install a Car Seat

It’s no fault of their own, but many parents are not aware of how to properly install their child’s car seat or that their child’s car seat is not the correct size. There are many steps that parents can take to ensure that they are installing their child’s car seat correctly according to the

Common Injuries Children Sustain in Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in serious injuries for those involved no matter what age, height, and weight some may be. However, small children and infants are much more likely to be seriously injured in a car accident. Some common injuries sustained by children in car accidents can include but are not limited to:

The best way to minimize your child’s chances of sustaining one of the injuries above is to secure them properly in a car seat that is adequate for the height, weight, and age. Accidents are never expected, but you can take the proper steps to ensuring you and your child are prepared and safe in case one does occur.

Contact The Ohio Car Accident Lawyers at Colombo Law For Help

At Colombo Law, we are very concerned about the safety of the children throughout this great state of Ohio. The families throughout this state are important to us, and we want to make sure they are safe. If you have a young child, we urge you to be extra careful and take all of the necessary steps to ensuring the safety of your child while they are in the car with you. Together, we can take the steps necessary to reduce the number of children’s lives that are cut entirely too short due to car accidents in Ohio. If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, contact the experienced car accident lawyers at Colombo Law so we can help you pursue legal action.

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