Dangerous Roadways: What You Need to Know
June 29, 2017 | By Colombo Law
Obtaining a driver’s license is one of the most memorable days for a teenager. Not only does it signify growth, but it also gives children a feeling of independence. While driving is a great new adventure, young drivers are only aware of the many rules of the roadway that must be followed. However, there are many unspoken rules of the roadway that many inexperienced drivers must learn about the hard way. If an accident or incident occurs, then you or your loved one needs to speak with an attorney who can look at the facts and circumstances of your case to determine whether you have a claim. For a risk-free initial consultation, contact Colombo Law today.
Dangerous Roadways in West Virginia
In the state of West Virginia, there are certain roadways that are more dangerous than others. There are several factors that contribute to whether the roadway is dangerous.
- Number of Travel Lanes: It takes time for any new driver to learn what is important to focus on. Watching as your vehicle and other surrounding vehicles maneuver between lanes is important to everyone’s safety. Roadways with more than two lanes makes this difficult for all drivers, but the risk is higher for the inexperienced.
- Number of Merge Points: The number of merge points contributes to the level of danger of a particular roadway. Merge points present a major problem for new drivers on highways throughout the state. This is because, as a new driver, this scenario may require you to exit your lane or brake rapidly.
- Speed Limits: Newer drivers tend to drive more slowly as they learn to become comfortable with their vehicle and the idea of driving. In fact, many new drivers find it difficult to drive at the speed posted. However, the majority of experienced motorists tend to drive at the speed limit or 5 miles above the posted limit. This makes roadways more dangerous for inexperienced drivers as other motorists rapidly approach and drive around them.
- Aggressive Driving: As an inexperienced driver, other motorists honking, screaming, or driving in such a way that compromises your safety can be frustrating and nerve-wracking. Many drivers indicate that the experience leaves them frazzled, causing them to make dangerous movements they would not otherwise do. However, it is important to remember to avoid engaging in any aggressive driving habits.
Contact Colombo Law Today
The Colombo Law firm is located in Morgantown, West Virginia. Our attorneys are highly experienced car accident lawyers who successfully handle hundreds of personal injury claims each year, obtaining justice and monetary relief for our clients. Call us at 304-599-4229 or contact us online.