Compensation for Car Accident Injuries
February 4, 2019 | By Colombo Law
Getting hurt in a car accident can have far-reaching implications. The damages may entail more than you realize. Likewise, the process of claiming compensation for car accident injuries can be more complex than you might expect.
An experienced car accident lawyer can help you understand your options, as well as represent your interests throughout the claims process.
How Do You Get Compensation for Car Accident Injuries?
Many car accident victims begin the pursuit of financial compensation by filing an injury claim with an insurance company. Alternatively, the first point of contact might happen when the at-fault driver’s insurance company contacts you. If that happens, be careful — the insurance company is not on your side. The insurance company’s first goal is to save itself money, and anything you say to an insurance adjustor can be used against you.
Very minor auto accidents with minimal damage and zero injuries can sometimes be resolved effectively between the insurance company and the victim, without the aid of an attorney.
In other cases, however, the most effective way to get compensation for car accident injuries is to hire an experienced Ohio auto accident lawyer. Insurance companies will aggressively protect their financial interests, however friendly their adjustors might sound over the phone, their goal is to make your claim go away as quickly as possible and for as little money as possible.
By hiring an attorney, you can send a signal to the insurance company about the seriousness of your claim, and your lawyer can work to persuade the insurance company that making a fair settlement offer is in its own best interest.
At Colombo Law, we have been successful in resolving the majority of our car accident injury claims through negotiation and settlement, without going to trial. However, if the insurance company remains unwilling to reasonably settle a claim, we are always prepared to take our clients’ cases to court to demand the compensation they deserve.
Are Insurance Companies Obligated to Compensate You Automatically?
Accident victims sometimes believe that because insurance companies are obligated to honor the terms of their policies, they will simply pay out exactly what the victim owes, no questions asked. But getting compensation for car accident injuries isn’t always that straightforward.
Unfortunately, insurance companies sometimes adopt unfair interpretations of their own policy language. They might deny liability even when their obligations in the matter seem clear. Sadly, insurers have even been known to give legitimate victims “the runaround,” hoping the victim will grow tired of the process and simply accept a lowball settlement.
While insurance providers do have a legal obligation to handle every claim honestly and in good faith, the insurer might nevertheless look for ways to reduce its financial exposure within those boundaries.
In some cases, your own insurance company may even go so far as to breach its duty of good faith (in which case you might have an additional claim for insurance bad faith).
An experienced Ohio auto accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and stand up against aggressive or evasive insurance companies.
What Kinds of Compensation Are Available for Car Accident Injuries?
Compensation for car accident injuries in Ohio might include (but are not necessarily limited to):
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Future lost earnings
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Property damage
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Wrongful death damages
Every case is different. To get a more comprehensive understanding of the damages that might be available in your car accident case, you can call our office and schedule a free case review with an Ohio auto accident lawyer.
Schedule a Cost-Free, No-Obligation Legal Consultation Today
At Colombo Law, we bring decades of experience to the table, and we put all of it to work for you.
We are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to get our clients the largest amount of money possible.
To get started, call us today at (614) 362-7000 in Columbus or (513) 599-8841 in Cincinnati. Our car accident lawyers serve clients throughout Ohio. Or, simply contact us online.